Scientific assumptions
IrriPro has an innovative computational tool able to analyze the irrigation networks through a new and rigorous method.
The software uses, in fact, an algorithm that solves the equations governing the motion of the current pressure (equations of continuity and equation of motion) from hydraulic and geometric boundary conditions, the distribution of the plano-altimetric network, as well as the geometric and hydraulic characteristics of pipelines and installed emitters. The proposed procedure also allows the algorithm, even in the case of micro-irrigation systems, to estimate the head losses of continuous type along the pipe, and localized caused by installed emitters along laterals pipe. These losses are substantial fraction of total losses and therefore should be taken into account in a proper and rigorous hydraulic calculation, as acknowledged by the international scientific and technical community. Finally, it is also considered the kinetic load.
Do we need to know or to impose a speed value in pipe, in order to find other hydraulic characteristics?
No, it is not necessary because IrriPro determines all the hydraulics with a further equation that relates the output. The other softwares do not.
IrriPro does not use the criterion of the speed to calculate the size of the pipeline because it does not need to impose the speed for solving the equations of hydraulics. The designer does not need this input, or to consider it constant along the pipeline for calculating the other hydraulic quantities because it is found as a result having as many equations as there are variables and obtaining a different speed for each section of pipe. It's a more accurate calculation and it means a more defined project. IrriPro is the tool that gets results closer to the actual behavior of the system.
The validity of the algorithm, the basis of the application, is now recognized by the scientific community, and made the subject of several publications. Please see the following articles in order to observe in the field the validity of the results obtained with IrriPro.
Through these and other technologies, IrriPro meets the increasing demand of:
- efficiency of irrigation techniques for countries with more attention to water and energy resources,
- industrialization of the techniques and use of technologies of control (control and sensors) for the most advanced nations.