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  • IrriPro, The true way to design
  • Immediate to use and clear in the responses
  • IrriPro designs, others can only draw
  • Managing water is managing life
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Irriworks introduces the new software 
IrriRT dedicated to the design of irrigation systems for landscaping, gardening, residential, turf and parks.

IrriRT inherits most of IrriPro's importing, evaluating and processing tools, adding specific features for green areas and an intelligent and advanced algorithm for automatic drawing of pipes and positioning of emitter devices. This makes the software very easy to use, quick to create any project while maintaining all the necessary criteria to obtain professional results.

Click here to further info

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IrriPro is the only irrigation software that allows you to design by drawing the elements thanks to the INDO technology (on Object) developed by Irriworks. Watch the video for seeing the great potential of this tool.

Analysis of irrigation uniformity by IrriPro (pub. on IJR)

The research study was conducted in a greenhouse at western region of Abu Dhabi UAE to check the operational reliability, efficiency, dependability and harmony of the existing drip irrigation system through IrriPro, our irrigation design software.

IRRIPRO was used in order to design and plan viable drip irrigation systems. This software is proficient enough in planning network layout, hydraulic designing and above all simulations to obtain results. This software can also provide requisite cost estimation of drip irrigation. 

Hydraulic estimation of drip irrigation system was based on a method defined by the ASAE (1999). Three emitters on a lateral were selected at the head, midpoint and tail-end and discharges were measured on them.

IRRIPRO has the diverse quality to calculate and design many other hydraulic parameters. It is a helping tool for water resource engineers in designing, testing, analyzing any other alternative design on precision and economical parameters. 

The comparative study revealed that the drip irrigation achieved high CU and DU which imply that the existing drip irrigation system was designed on the basis of proper scaling and dimensions. The CU on average basis for the system was found to be 96.4990% (observed) and 99.9796% (simulated) respectively. Similarly, the DU on average basis for the system was found to be 94.3605% (observed) and 99.8822% (simulated) respectively. EUa of the system using pressure compensated type emitters with the length of laterals 16 meters with an average observed and simulated value was found 99.2192% and 99.99316% respectively.



Conclusions of the study
The comparison of experimental and simulated results confirms that the application uniformity seems to be satisfactory and the existing drip irrigation unit was designed properly. The design of the existing drip irrigation network was checked by the interactive computer software i.e. IRRIPRO which was found acceptable. The uncertainty in results was found less than 10% which indicates its accuracy. IRRIPRO software also predicts that the ideal pressure for existing drip irrigation was 13.353 m c.a (1.29 atm) which gives 3.655 lit / hr flow rate for all emitters. As IRRIPRO is providing the ideal results for the existing drip irrigation system it will be more as compared to the field results. This software could also be used to calculate the annual costs of any system even if it is not designed by IRRIPRO.

For more details about research study you can see the full paper.

IJR (International Journal of Research IF 3,541) published the research paper named "ANALYSIS OF TRICKLE / DRIP IRRIGATION UNIFORMITY BY IRRIPRO SIMULATIONS"


Google Maps/Earth

In IrriPro the elements of a irrigation system, such as emitters and pipes contain hydraulic, physic and geometric characteristics and the terrain has GIS infos obtained by Google Maps/Google Earth.


Thanks to IrriPro's innovative technology, which has achieved some international awards, it's now possible to calculate all the hydraulic parameters and design correctly and efficiently any kind of irrigation system.


Thanks to IrriPro's innovative technology, which has achieved some international awards, it's now possible to calculate all the hydraulic parameters and design correctly and efficiently any kind of irrigation system.




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