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Irriworks at Expo 2010 Shanghai

Irriworks at Expo 2010 Shanghai

The exhibition "Italia degli Innovatori" at Expo 2010 Shanghai, state of art  of the technologic capability and of innovation of Italy, closed the 7th August.



The "Italia degli Innovatori" was promoted by Ministry of Education and Innovation and by General Department of Government for Expo 2010 Shanghai.

The venture suggested by Irriworks it was selected by technical committee (appointed by minister Renato Brunetta and general commissioner of government for Expo 2010 Shanghai Beniamino Quintieri) which has evaluated 454 innovations, whose 265 satisfy the expected requirements. The projects belong to a lot of sectors: for further information click on link.

With more than over 70 milions of expected visitors, 242 participants about Nations and International Organizzations, 5,28 kmq of showing area and 6 months for events and activities, Expo 2010 Shanghai offered a unique window to exhibit, in a dedicated pavilion, the national excellences in economic and financial capital of the China. An event marked by numbers of success, with over 500 thousand visitors to the exhibition at the Italian pavilion, 84 innovators were present, among the 265 selected, which, in about 260 business to business meetings, met with 196 Chinese companies.

Irriworks considers to be satisfied about the meeting with some chinese enterprises and about opportunities which has the chinese market, above all in the nord west regions, characterized by limited water resources.

Irriworks has received the following award for being selecting between participant enterprises at the Expo 2010 Shanghai.

The ufficial site of event is:

The italian site italiano of the Expo 2010 is:

The solution for any need

IrriPro softwareIrriPro is available with FREEWARE license for small systems and with basic features, with fully featured for limited time or with never ending LIFETIME licenses.


IrriPro has a CAD-style user friendly interface, designed to be used by engineers, agronomists and other technicians. They have all the analisys tool needed to estimate the consequences of any design choice and to represent the trend of any physical parameter.


The DB is not a list of passive elements, but a way to make the most of the software using existing material on the market.


The irrigation software IrriPro is the only tool that optimizes the use of water and improves the distribution uniformity, increasing the system efficiency and ensuring the correct distribution of water and fertilizers. Moreover IrriPro reduces the system realization costs, improving quantity and quality of agricultural production.
