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  • IrriPro, The true way to design
  • Immediate to use and clear in the responses
  • IrriPro designs, others can only draw
  • Managing water is managing life
  • English (UK)
  • Italian (IT)

Landscaping and urban design



Irriworks is at your disposal to provide you with high-level design services and advanced tools for irrigation systems and networks. Our team of hydraulic engineers and highly specialized irrigation professionals can provide you with all the technical support and information necessary to design or verify any system.

Thanks to our expertise and to IrriPro software, we can know with precision the behaviour of the system before it is installed. In Irriworks we deal with green space service facilities in urban and extra-urban areas, from vertical gardens to multilevel structures. After the phase of acquisition of the plans, of the architectural plans and of the already planned systems, we analyze different usage scenarios in order to identify the solution that presents the best performances.



Based on the information received from the client, our team of engineers develops the project according to the required criteria and proposes various briefings for the presentation of the project to share the intermediate results and to plan possible corrections or changes to be made. Our engineering approach allows us to offer a consulting service for plants to be designed in complex conditions and structures, achieving results of maximum efficiency and functionality.


The goal of the service is the best possible customer satisfaction by providing the required documents, facilitating the understanding of the project and providing any support during the construction of the plant, in Italy and abroad.

Some samples of projects already made




As an alternative to consulting, we propose the purchase of IrriPro as a design tool, recommended for all technicians who frequently face the irrigation system project.

Today IrriPro is the most popular software on the market because it represents the easiest program to use and the most reliable support for the technician who wants reliable and rapid results.


The solution for any need

IrriPro softwareIrriPro is available with FREEWARE license for small systems and with basic features, with fully featured for limited time or with never ending LIFETIME licenses.


IrriPro has a CAD-style user friendly interface, designed to be used by engineers, agronomists and other technicians. They have all the analisys tool needed to estimate the consequences of any design choice and to represent the trend of any physical parameter.


The DB is not a list of passive elements, but a way to make the most of the software using existing material on the market.


The irrigation software IrriPro is the only tool that optimizes the use of water and improves the distribution uniformity, increasing the system efficiency and ensuring the correct distribution of water and fertilizers. Moreover IrriPro reduces the system realization costs, improving quantity and quality of agricultural production.
